It’s about time: Human/robot collab zips up production rates

LABOR is one of 30 NEW Clean Sky 2 Results Stories! To enable European aeronautics to maintain its competitive advantage, lightweight composite technologies and systems are a prerequisite. However, to fully optimise their environmental benefit, the ways in which these new technologies are produced is vital too — manufacturing processes that are energy-efficient, time-saving, and minimise material wastage, in line with Clean Sky’s objectives and the European Commission’s Green Deal ambitions. One way to achieve this is to optimise collaboration between the human workforce and the use of robotic manufacturing techniques.


The LABOR Technical Workshop has been held as a virtual event of the 10th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation & Space to the Satisfaction of the European Citizens on September 4th 2020 at 14:00 CEST. The workshop has consisted of 6 oral presentations of selected contributions (20 min each including 5 min for Q&A) and a panel discussion (1 hour).


The LABOR project has been presented to the industrial community during the SAVE Web Edition workshop on Automation, artificial intelligence and 4.0 solutions for the industry of the future, with a presentation entitled The opportunity of Smart Manufacturing and Smart Robotic, an exemplary case in the aeronautical sector presented by Cristina Cristalli (Loccioni), the 2nd of July 2020. The webinar has been attended by more than 360 persons.